? I'm I high..
YES! Our home is @ 4100 feet above sea level near Lake Tahoe, CA.
Routing along Streaming.
For those Streamers say Tidal and specially Spotify it needs help.. you all probably bought a
Router unless you use a phone jack in. If you do use a router and the 12-V wall wart that comes
with all of them. WELL! well then this thread will be of GREAT SONIC interest. I recently purchase a
PS Audio Streamer with Wi-Fi option.. Now some months passed. The other night listening to a tidal Hi-Rez
file. Wait a minute Tubes. My Dac has a 12v operation feature. which I used from day 1 > AC/DC converter
which lowered the noise floor to sub basement over 120v ac. Hmm! I’m streaming 1&0s throughout the house.
? would a better wall wart make a sonic difference thru the Air waves.
I call a friend at MUSIC DIRECT what’s available for my trial don’t want to spend several C notes on the idea.
No prob Tubes. We sell iFI ultra’s low noise wall ac/dc wall power unit for 49 bucks. Prefect Sold.
Received it this week.
But before I replaced the TIP-LINK wall wart. Before/After listening on my Sennheiser HD 700 open back phones. I choose Spotify (Herb Alperts> (All my loving) track. The first15 seconds. 3 times.Theirs a kick drum keeping time plus brass horns which can sound tinny if not reproduce well. Plus their was and instrument playing very softly in left channel. Was it a Guitar? yes. somewhat muffled although.
NOW the big switch. No burn-in hours on the iFi. r/o of the box. Replay same track. WOW!! the kick drum
impact rose at least 2+ DBs now I felt sound pressure in the ears on every Kick. Before soft bump/bumps.
The little guitar. Now I could hear its strings ultra clear & SHARP & it move forward very nicely Horns more brassy
greater depth more clarity, female voice more natural, greater dynamics, lowered sound floor to.
That’s it Audiogons. "My 49 buck adventure." Yes theirs 800 to 2K convertors do they give 200 times more MORE?? Let us know if you tried updating your WiFi router 12v power supply..