I've auditioned Joseph RM33i sigs(about 40min trying to find the music they can play or volumes they're good at but sorry couldn't) in the dealer's room and fairly saying I realy "pooed" on this product and said it only worth some DJ JBL speakers but not more. I can with no doubdt say that Vandys 1C(I can say that I sometimes miss them) which 10x cheaper sound much more pleasant i bet with any suitable electronics.
The same thing I would say(or at least would refuse to say something at all) even to MFG because even if the will ofer me 10k I will not stand saying lies and publishing them; I'd better go to the manufacturer that I realy belive and hear this product is great. In this case before the speaker is realy shown with its price and looks it has to be auditioned ONLY WITH EARS i.e. with eyes tied and with no knowlege about the price. That could be done by contacting an audiofiles to visit the dealer's listening room to audition whatever speaker that costs whatever price with tied eyes and than say honest things about it.
I've even heard more junk such as AudioNote CDT Zero with MSB Link III, OCM amp that my 2 ears(and I'd add a head) did not appreciate. Becides my 2 ears I want to listen to the music as long as possible with no fatigue whatsoever and certainly I would not buy neither CDT Zero nor MSB Link III with all its high-tech 21st century features.
Whatever conserns personal home electronics everyone i believe in all logical sence the equipment that suits the system and overall sounds nice to the owner.
I've auditioned Joseph RM33i sigs(about 40min trying to find the music they can play or volumes they're good at but sorry couldn't) in the dealer's room and fairly saying I realy "pooed" on this product and said it only worth some DJ JBL speakers but not more. I can with no doubdt say that Vandys 1C(I can say that I sometimes miss them) which 10x cheaper sound much more pleasant i bet with any suitable electronics.
The same thing I would say(or at least would refuse to say something at all) even to MFG because even if the will ofer me 10k I will not stand saying lies and publishing them; I'd better go to the manufacturer that I realy belive and hear this product is great. In this case before the speaker is realy shown with its price and looks it has to be auditioned ONLY WITH EARS i.e. with eyes tied and with no knowlege about the price. That could be done by contacting an audiofiles to visit the dealer's listening room to audition whatever speaker that costs whatever price with tied eyes and than say honest things about it.
I've even heard more junk such as AudioNote CDT Zero with MSB Link III, OCM amp that my 2 ears(and I'd add a head) did not appreciate. Becides my 2 ears I want to listen to the music as long as possible with no fatigue whatsoever and certainly I would not buy neither CDT Zero nor MSB Link III with all its high-tech 21st century features.
Whatever conserns personal home electronics everyone i believe in all logical sence the equipment that suits the system and overall sounds nice to the owner.