
I have a brother-in-law, retired Navy, who is interested in a nostalgia system.  When he served in in Pacific in the 80's they could get great deals on Sansui equipment and is of the opinion that Sansui was top of the line.  He asked me what I would get but I'm clueless about 80's receivers.  I doubt that he wants separates.  I'd greatly appreciate hearing your opinions.  My brother-in-law is partial to Sansui, but should I suggest something else?  He's got good ears even though he's not an audiophile.  Thanks.

Ag insider logo xs@2xtreepmeyer

@johnnotkathi - my brother-in-law likes 70's rock, country, Jimmy Buffett and current blues (eg, Keb Mo).  Reverb has two alphas for sale at reasonable prices ($750 and $850) by a seller in Japan.  Paired with JBL 100's and I think he'd be a happy camper.

Thanks for this video...

I own the more affordable Sansui alpha 607i with the same basic technology and i used it as i said for his headphone out exclusively ...

And i miserably failed when i want to upgrade it to one of the best tube headphone amplifier in the world by all reviews account ...Think about it ...

This is testimony of this S.S. Sansui design quality even for the headphone out ...

Dont try to buy a top alpha they dont go on sale here very often ... they are sold in hours ... And at high price for vintage ... And this model is so rare good luck to buy one ...

Now ask yourself this question : Save for those crazy japanese audiophile company, who sold at high price today the same quality of components with on par sound quality at least ?

Answer : not many are crazy enough to discard  profit margin  to use so costly basic parts ...

is there better amplifier today ? Yes for sure but what are their cost ? Not peanuts ...

There is also a three part 1h thirty minute restoration video :




An upgraded Sansui TU-X1 tuner was the best sounding tuner of any I have ever owned, and I have owned many high end tuners. The upgraded Kenwood KT-917 i have is close. Better resolution but not quite as lush and with not quite as big a soundstage. Perhaps the only modern one close might be a later model Accuphase.