Waynes upgraded power supplies make a world of difference. I have the statement digital/analog mods and the ultimate power supply with the nirvana option. The sound is so good that I sold my reference SACD/CD player and have not looked back.
If you don't want to spend a lot of money, look into the Channel Island Audio VDX-9.0 for the Duet. It retails for $279.00. I'm going to try one in my office system in the next couple of weeks.
I use a little Flipstart UMPC with a couple of 500GB 2.5" hard drives hanging off of it as a music server. I have over 2300 CD's ripped in lossless. You cannot beat the convenience of having all of your CD's instantly accessible. A lot of times I just leave it on random playback, which is a great way to rediscover your collection.