I have not heard the RAGNAROK INTEGRATED AMP but this is what I would do. Call these guys after 10AM PST Thurs - Sun.
The Schiitr
22508 Market Street
Newhall, CA 91321
(661) 495-1618*
Open Thursday thru Sunday, 10AM-6PM.**
I live very close by, and I think I will drop by on Friday after my trip to LAX airport. I called up last month to inquire about a DAC and I think I was given great advice which has saved me thousands on my previous idea of the DAC I want.
I think 2 Aegirs maybe the way I go but it would depend on the speakers. The Aegirs likely work better on the B&W because of the Class A. The Aegir is a dedicated amp while the RAGNAROK has features you do not need since you have the Freya+.
BTW - When I had the Freya+ I liked it with a Benchmark AHB2. Not sure how that would match with B&W buit I used that combo with a bright headphone and had no fatigue issues. I think the B&W would work.