I have an Aegir that I really enjoy. It was originally paired with a Saga+ but the problem is that, as only a unity gain preamp, it was just a bit short in reaching my desired listening volume (about 85 dB max) even though the amp had power still available.
I ended up switching to a Schiit Lyr 3 which offers two gain levels (about 3db and 17 dB.) The 3 dB gain boost was sufficent to give me the extra I needed, and the Lyr sounds just a good to me as the Saga.
The Lyr does have some drawbacks -- it has only one input, and there is no remote, but I don't need either of those features so it is perfect for my situation. (And, the Lyr also gives you an excellent headphone amp that the Saga doesn't have.)
So, just another data point for you.