A troll is a mischievous supernatural creature that lives under bridges in Scandanavia or is an act of fishing from a boat where in you pull a line with bait hoping a fish will bite. I think the latter fits very well with an audio "troll". These folks seem to enjoy posting a very controversal statement which they know will just rile up a lot of responses from the unwary. They don't care if the responses are favorable or negative, they just live off watching folks argue endlessly.
If the trollers are really bored they will even join in the controversy to stir things up.
Some trolls are very subtle and draw lots of responses. Some are not and everyone ignores them, occasionally, to the detriment of some innocent who really doesn't known the answer.
A stereotypical troll would look like "I just listened to some Bose speakers and compared them to some Quads. Boy do the Quads suck. What am I doing wrong?"
If the trollers are really bored they will even join in the controversy to stir things up.
Some trolls are very subtle and draw lots of responses. Some are not and everyone ignores them, occasionally, to the detriment of some innocent who really doesn't known the answer.
A stereotypical troll would look like "I just listened to some Bose speakers and compared them to some Quads. Boy do the Quads suck. What am I doing wrong?"