Apogees don't just need power, they need lots of current. Make sure your amp is rated for 2 ohm loads and you should be fine. A 4 ohm rated amp often doen't have the current drive. Icepower amps such as PS Audio or Wyred4Sound are reasonably priced modern amps that do the job nicely.
You will hear the difference if your amp is up to the job.
In a suitable room and with a proper amp the Calipers are very fine. Like all the 2 way Apogeees there is a bit of metallic ringing on the top end, but what they give in transparency and dynamics makes it a fair trade. The 3 way Apogees (Divas) avoided the top end issues, but are far pricier.
You will hear the difference if your amp is up to the job.
In a suitable room and with a proper amp the Calipers are very fine. Like all the 2 way Apogeees there is a bit of metallic ringing on the top end, but what they give in transparency and dynamics makes it a fair trade. The 3 way Apogees (Divas) avoided the top end issues, but are far pricier.