Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS

I am just curious, why charging buyer, in such a blatant way, for PayPal service that SELLER is enjoying? If those 2-3% will 'impoverish' given seller, why not including them in selling price? As a matter of principal, i'll never buy from such a seller!
I am sure sellers who list paypal as an option for purchasing is in fact offering this service for the buyer. I would have no problem with a buyer sending a money order or cashiers check if that is what they prefer. My experience has been that buyers want that quick, easy, non-lazy way of paying with credit card, maybe also because thay dont have the funds in their account to pay with money order or cashiers check. The buyer also has the right to decide whether they will go to their credit card bank and obtain cash on their limit.

Really makes me no difference, but if you choose to use paypal when I am selling, you will pay the fees, probably going into debt for something you cannot afford anyway and quite frankly, you can look elsewhere, makes no difference to me, the seller in most cases is offering this for the buyer, who does have choices and more often then not it is because they dont have the funds to pay out of their bank account.

But thanks for venting your thoughts here, in fact there is no charge for it here, just use of audiogon space.
Most of us, whether seller or buyer, do what we can to make the other party as comfortable with a transaction as possible. Why complete a transaction if one party is dissatisfied? Communication almost always leads to a resolution of different but openly expressed views whether that resolution is to forget the deal or to proceed. It's just part of the process.
I had numerous buyers offer to pay the 3% extra for paypal, even when I did not even ask for a 3% surcharge. I look at paypal being a buyers advantage.
Although "Danner" makes the most business sense, I would not like to buy from a seller/especially a dealer who wants to charge me for paypal fees. For most buyers it boils down to how desperate they are or how good the deal is. However, I still believe that the buyer has the advantage; there are a lot of sellers who do not charge paypal fees. If all buyers felt like me than sellers could never charge for paypal fees.
When you go to the dealer you ARE paying for the costs of his ads, credit card fees, shipping material, his time, and even his gas to and from where ever he has to go. The only difference is that it is worked into the price already. At least this way you have a choice.