Selling my dads top of the line system

My father just passed of a stroke suddenly. He was very big in the audio game. He as Revel Ultima Salon 2 speakers, 2 mark levinson model 536 pre apps, Mcintosh C50 pre amp, Cambridge Audio Azur 751BD blue ray player, at least 3 Audio quest water cabels, 2 or more viper power cables. This is what I know of that he currently has hooked up. What is my best option for selling it? Should I bundle it together, or piece it out? He loved his system so I don’t just want to sell it for nothing, but honor his memory and make sure the system finds a good home. If I did not have 3 kids  Home audio stores by me have been no help. Its all in premium shape, with the boxes, manuals, and remotes.
I'd sell it separately you'll have better luck IMO. summer time is not the best time to sell either by the way but if you price fair you should get some buyers. 

I'd look on Hifishark the web site has good pricing information from all over the net, that and look here and us audio mart. for more pricing information. 

Pack everything up in original box's if you have them with all the accessories, documents and manuals that came with each item. Cables you may be able to sell as a set. 

One other thing is to look for an Audio shop locally that deals in similar equipment ( hi end shop) and ask if they would do a consignment sale or maybe buy the lot from you.   

Either way you'll need to get used pricing information and that will take research on the above sites and maybe other's here can add more with direct experience in your specific equipment. .

 sorry for your loss. 

First of all, very sorry for your loss. Your dad had great taste in gear. This is some very, very high quality gear, and it is worth a considerable amount of money.

I agree with Glen. You will do much better selling these speakers and components separately than as a system. Hifishark is a great suggestion for getting a perspective on pricing. It looks as if you have at least $25-30K worth of equipment here, maybe more--and that is what you could reasonably expect to get for this gear used, NOT the retail cost, so this will amount to quite a chunk of money.

Once you decide to sell, I would recommend Audiogon or US Audio Mart, which has really picked up a lot of steam in the past year or two as a good place to sell gear. There are a few other sites as well, though I personally have had the best luck with these two.

Good luck. This is a great community, so I am sure you'll get a lot of good tips from other members.

Please accept our condolences. If I can help in a Support way to guide you on listing these items, please contact me at your convenience to, Attention: Tammy Holt  
So sorry for your loss.You might consider keeping one of the items for later on down the road when the kids get bigger and you can put something together.You can have a piece of your Dads Gear in your system.