Warren - I haven't heard the Revel's at all so cannot compare, but I used to own a pair of Silverline SR17 monitors that I had to sell to simplify my work system and pay some bills. They are one of the very few components that I've sold that I actually miss a whole lot, enough to buy another set if the opportunity arose. I forget how efficient they are, but they are not champs in that department. They do have a low end that they have no business being able to maintain given their size, and are as transparent as glass. They absolutely need a good stand to do their best. Utterly amazing and wonderful little monitors. I'd say you need at least 25 watts to make'em sing for you in an average size room. I tried them with my 8 watt SETs, and though they were marvelous at low volumes, they lost it pretty quickly with only moderate output. Outstanding build and finish too.