Separate conditioner for amps, or all in one unit?

I currently have a Shunyata Denali 6000V2 supplying my front end (dCS Vivaldi DAC/Upsampler/Clock, and D’Agostino Momentum HD preamp), and a Shunyata Denali 2000T supplying my amps (D’Agostino M300 monos).  Both run off a dedicated 20 amp line from my panel, and I’m using Stealth power cords throughout.

It all sounds incredible, and I’m happy with the power arrangement, but as I’m prone to do, I’m looking for the next improvement,  and I’ve been considering replacing the 6000V2 and 2000T with an Audioquest Niagara 7000.  Since the Niagara 7000 has a separate bank for high current components, I could run both the front end and the amps from one conditioner.

Anyone have experience or thought on whether this would be an improvement?




the Everest would be awesome no doubt, but I don’t really have room for it...


I also recommend getting the Everest. I got one a couple of weeks ago, and I was left stunned how good it is. I know you said you don't have room for it, but really, it's very easy to place it on the floor (or on a platform if you have carpet). Looks gorgeous too.
I own the Audioquest Niagara 7000. I have my Dac and mono blocks plugged into it. I found the Niagara greatly improves the performance of my tube amps over just plugging them into the wall. You will be impressed!

To condition... or not?What I understand is that conditioners clean up the AC... but can also slightly limit the components/sound.... therefore... I have heard that it's better to use on the front end... but NOT to use on the amplifier. As you have stated... you are using really good power cords, plus a dedicated line. I personally don't see how a conditioner would make an improvement on your amplification.
Over time... I got my system sounding better than it ever has... and couldn't imagine it sounding any better... but then my line conditioner/voltage regulator started to hum. I then plugged everything on the front end into the wall... OMG!!! I couldn't believe the upgrade that I experienced. My gear has been plugged into the wall ever since.Have you tried fuses? I installed an SR Blue fuse in my CD player power supply last year. I was shocked! for only $150.. it took my system to the next level of sound : D