If you had $10,000 to spend on amplification, would you put all that money and get a really great and pricey integrated amp like a Pass or Luxman. Or, would you use that 10k to buy a really great preamp and amp combo. Apart from the convenience and space consideration, hypothetically how would you choose to spend that 10k if sound was your main criterion.
Just make sure the integrated has a real preamp section, not just a volume control. Have owned a bunch, but the only integrated I will own in the future is a Viva Solista- as it’s a piece of art.
Ive since moved to a Music First TVC with amp combo which I feel beats most integrateds for similar money.
I have favored integrated amps for 15 years, and I love Krell. Just got the new K300i into my main system for $7000. It sounds fabulous!! Pushes my Maggie 1.7i with power to spare. I did not buy Krell’s Digital Board however. I am streaming thru my new LUMIN T2. I prefer these functions in separate equipment. Soundstage and bass are amazing. Vocal clarity and separation are on another level.
Me personally,I prefer separates. I frequently like to switch amps,or preamps. With an integrated,I wouldn’t be able to get a different flavor without having to purchase another integrated. The ability to switch things up,scratches that itch.
hiphiphan - I sold my house and the buyers demanded my whole two channel system as a condition of the sale. It is an extremely long story as to why I did not buy Raven again, Let's just say I was stupid and got talked into buying Mola Mola Kaluga and Makua Class D amps sight unheard. Given I had to start over with a whole new two channel system I purchased the amps before the speakers - another mistake. I am building a new house and never used the Mola Mola Amps. Once I decided on Viking Acoustic Grande Voix Horn speakers, I needed to sell the Mola Mola Amps. I tried and tried on US Audio Mart and Audiogon and could not sell. I ended up trading them into a dealer for Canary Audio Grand Reference Two Mono Amps and the C1800 Pre-Amp. They are being built as I speak. Trust me, I wish I never purchased the Mola Mola because I would have purchased the Raven Spirit 300B mono amps.
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