paulsax:"migrating to separates during an upgrade to 4k before too long. Currently running a Pioneer Elite SC-07. No specific complaint but I think separates would allow me to keep my amp (and get a good one) without being obsoleted by the video end of things. maybe a dumb idea but........ "
Hello paulsax,
After reading your post question again, I'm a bit confused. Are you stating your current hdtv is 1080P and your going to be switching to a 4K hdtv, and possibly a 4K video player, soon and you're concerned your audio is going to be obsolete?
If so, I'd be more concerned that the video processor in your SC-07 is going to be obsolete than the audio. The video processor won't process or pass through 4K video at all. But I believe there's probably a work around for the audio. There's not a new surround sound audio format associated with 4K video that I'm aware of.
If you want to go to 4K video and audio separates, I think you'd have four options:
1. Sell your SC-07, buy a 4K compatible A/V Preamp and either a single multi-channel amp or a combination of a multi-ch amp and several stereo and mono amps to power all 7 or 9 surround channels.
2. Buy a 4K compatible A/V preamp and use your current SC-07 to power all 7 or 9 surround channels.
Your SC-07 A/V receiver has more than enough power for any home use, but it’s possible to add additional amplifiers to every channel of your system using the pre-outs if you'd like.
3. Sell your SC-07 and buy a new A/V Receiver that's 4K compatible and has 7 or 9 surround channel amps.
4. Sell your SC-07, buy a 4K compatible Video Disc Player that has a built in 7.1 or 9.1 channel audio surround processor and either a single multi-ch amp or a combination of a multi-ch amp and several stereo and mono amps to power all 7 or 9 surround channels.
I know the Oppo 205 4K player was capable of this but Oppo has exited the video disc player market recently. I've heard rumors that Panasonic is planning on coming out with a similar 4K player but I don't know for certain.
As I stated on my last post, I currently use an Oppo 105 Blu-ray player connected directly to several class D amps but this unit only has an internal audio surround processor for up to Dolby 7.1 with no Atmos and video processing of up to only 1080P.
So before I could upgrade to a 4K OLED hdtv, I'm also going to need a 4K Video Disc Player with a built in audio processor like the rumored Panasonic player or some other brand.
Hello paulsax,
After reading your post question again, I'm a bit confused. Are you stating your current hdtv is 1080P and your going to be switching to a 4K hdtv, and possibly a 4K video player, soon and you're concerned your audio is going to be obsolete?
If so, I'd be more concerned that the video processor in your SC-07 is going to be obsolete than the audio. The video processor won't process or pass through 4K video at all. But I believe there's probably a work around for the audio. There's not a new surround sound audio format associated with 4K video that I'm aware of.
If you want to go to 4K video and audio separates, I think you'd have four options:
1. Sell your SC-07, buy a 4K compatible A/V Preamp and either a single multi-channel amp or a combination of a multi-ch amp and several stereo and mono amps to power all 7 or 9 surround channels.
2. Buy a 4K compatible A/V preamp and use your current SC-07 to power all 7 or 9 surround channels.
Your SC-07 A/V receiver has more than enough power for any home use, but it’s possible to add additional amplifiers to every channel of your system using the pre-outs if you'd like.
3. Sell your SC-07 and buy a new A/V Receiver that's 4K compatible and has 7 or 9 surround channel amps.
4. Sell your SC-07, buy a 4K compatible Video Disc Player that has a built in 7.1 or 9.1 channel audio surround processor and either a single multi-ch amp or a combination of a multi-ch amp and several stereo and mono amps to power all 7 or 9 surround channels.
I know the Oppo 205 4K player was capable of this but Oppo has exited the video disc player market recently. I've heard rumors that Panasonic is planning on coming out with a similar 4K player but I don't know for certain.
As I stated on my last post, I currently use an Oppo 105 Blu-ray player connected directly to several class D amps but this unit only has an internal audio surround processor for up to Dolby 7.1 with no Atmos and video processing of up to only 1080P.
So before I could upgrade to a 4K OLED hdtv, I'm also going to need a 4K Video Disc Player with a built in audio processor like the rumored Panasonic player or some other brand.