Seperate Power Supply for Audio Aero Capital MK11

Anyone making a seperate power suppy for the Audio Aero Capital MK11 , and what about some Modification, anyone specialising in mods for this cdp .

If so could you please post, thank you
I'm thinking about removing the BDR cones as well, and substituting rollerblocks, a product I swear by. I think, instead, I'm going to try a Symposium platform with rollerblocks supporting it.. Possibly they factored in the performance of the cdp with the bdr cones and designed to that spec , although I have no information to support that.
By the way, I got a nice little performance boost by moving the rollerblocks that were under my old cdp to my ML 334 amp! Bonus!
Why would you want to modify it ?
I have had a MK II for six months. I am a firm believer in tweaks but can not find one aspect of its sound quality that needs tweaking.
Some Cd players have wonderful bass, others have excellent soundstaging, the AA Capitole simply plays beautiful music.

BTW a separate PS is not necessarily a good thing. Ideally, a PS should be located very close to the active circuitry, to reduce cabling inductance, RFI pickup and stray capacitance.
Everytime I try to adjust the base/treble coming from my MarkII, it sounds terrible.

Leave well enough, alone.