SF Olympica llls

Any chance the McIntosh MA5200 can satisfactorily drive these speakers? Any integrated amp recommendation in the $3000 to $5000 range would be welcomed. New or used. 

"Mc to me means slow sounding."

Sometime the warm and rounded sound is perceived as slow. That aside, I get the difference between warm and dry/cold sound but don't understand what is a slow or fast amplifier.

Slow/fast amplifier is wrong definition, In MHO the correct term to use is transparent vs. blur amplification.


I could give you my opinion between a fast or slow sounding amp,

The difference is gonna really show up for me in the sound of guitar strings especially acoustic guitar and also in the overall sound of the piano.A slower perceived amp such as a Mac,which I have owned several yrs ago,just don't sound natural to me with these instruments the sound just lags in comparison.
I grew up playing the piano and I know what kind of sound I'm looking for and without question a Mac won't get me there.

I listen to some other forms of classical music occasionally and any perceived slowness wouldn't be satisfying to my ears either.

Faster amps just sound more natural and realistic to me and this is a aspect I picked up many yrs ago.

I know there is a lot more technical details that I could talk about but I will just give you this short version, I hope it helps you.

Kenny - good thoughts to share. Which amps do you like that sound right but are affordable, say < 5k. Any?  Thanks
To anounce that Mac amplification is slow and un-natural is really odd to me, Mac gear do need good cables to perforn at its best maybe your cables were not good enough , your sources or other components at your system were weak I don’t know... the last thing that I can said about my Mac pre/dac & power system that it slow or un-natural at the contrary it’s sharp,transparent and natural . I have no wish to change it at the near future.