Shanling T100 Tubes

I just recently bought the T100 and like the solid state output much better than the Tubes output. Will the tubes output sound better than the solid state after upgrading to the WE396A tubes?

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Great to hear that you can toggle between the two. The manual isn't real informative. I was going to ask the dealer if you could just hook up two pairs of interconnects. For some reason I was expecting a toggle switch or some mention of it in the manual so I didn't want to hook up before checking it out. Which output do you prefer? I'm thinking great, tubes for Jazz and solid state for rock music.
Have you messed around with the upsampling? I hear absolutely no difference in pressing the button. Is there a light or anything that comes on to tell you upsampling is active? It's starting to break in and sounding real good.
The T200 does not have upsampling.
The remote control has an upsampling buton because it is also used for other components that do have upsampling.

Derek Stewart
Well that sure explains it! I specifically remembered reading about the upsampling in the 6moons review. I just went back and re-read it and the upsampling was mentioned at the beginning before they had the 200. Anyway, it sounds mighty good without it.
In most respects valve(sorry tubes)/solid state and straight/upsampling is different not clearly better. I have upgraded to Sovtek not WE valves believe it or not the WE936A cost arround £400 in the UK and the Russian valves are better and make the valve output a little better the solid state