I recently posted my impressions of Pacific Audio Fest. One thing I neglected to add was an idea that came to me while I was listening in the various rooms. On my iPhone I have an app called Shazam. When you tap the icon on the screen, the app will listen to whatever music is playing and identify the track for you. It's pretty slick and impressively quick.
The reason I did this was so that I could play the same tracks I heard at the show on my rig at home and compare the experiences. While I didn't get all of the tracks I did get quite a few and spent the afternoon with a couple manhattans and my stereo. I'm pleased to report that my system continues to acquit itself very well against its much more modern counterparts. Go vintage gear! 
Anyways, I thought I'd list out some of the tracks in case anyone else would like to hear what was being played. Some of it is of the 'sonic fireworks' variety but some other tracks were just extremely well recorded.
Fink - Trouble's What You're In(Live)
Dominique Fils-Aime' - Birds
Daisy Gray - Wicked Game
Matt Rollings - Groove With a View
Pepe Romero - Farrucas
Sara Bareilles - (Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay
Buika - Volver, Volver
Stephen Stills - Treetop Flyer
Yello - Kiss in Blue
Dylan LaBlanc - Going to California
Marcin - Kashmir
Happy listening...