Thanks again everyone. On the Joule LA300, I saw that Jud was running a special $7100 price and it is enticing. I just became enamored with a Shindo before he came out with it. I'm also attracted to the one box solution on line/phono. On the other hand, my phono runs off the tube rectified power supply in the Joule linestage and I could then keep my phono, which is the most recent MkV and sounds heavenly. My experience with Joule pre's is that they have always been a tad rolled on top and plummy on the bottom end (and resist rolling...)and which is why I am looking for my next pre. Bobheinatz, if you would, do you have any general opinons on the LA300 versus the Monbrison, just in their types of sound, even if its only a cursory opinion?
On Matt at Pitch Perfect, I have only heard very good comments on him. Alas, I am a spoiled former TAS/Ultimate Audio reviewer who now always buys used, so I'm sure that his time would be better spent with paying customers, which is the way it should be. When my book gets published and I'm on Oprah, then...Petrus retail, fedex'd overnight, here I come!!
On Matt at Pitch Perfect, I have only heard very good comments on him. Alas, I am a spoiled former TAS/Ultimate Audio reviewer who now always buys used, so I'm sure that his time would be better spent with paying customers, which is the way it should be. When my book gets published and I'm on Oprah, then...Petrus retail, fedex'd overnight, here I come!!