Shindo vs the world

Shindo keeps coming up as a highly responded brand with incredible products that have great sound quality. My question only to prior owners is do you still have your shindo amp or preamp? If not why did you sell and also did you find something else you liked better? What about something cheaper that you liked more.


He presently has the 8900 with Lundahl transformers and Audio Note caps and resistors (formerly he had the 8600)

@smodtactical in two words; engaging and textured. I do not ever feel like the music is missing something. Shindo mates well with Shindo, but I am currently entertaining other amps outside of Shindo to mate. 

I consider Dennis Had and Nelson Pass (based on my experience...there are others certainly) to be domestic Shindos. I like the looks and the entire idea behind Shindo stuff as a warm and interesting place for tubes to go. 

I think it really depends on the "whole system"

I had the Shindo Apetite since I like integrated amps....was not right for me and had some tube "noise" ...had various sets of tubes and it persisted. I also run a FI-X 2a3, also has some transformer noise due to design.

Luxman SQ-150n dead quiet, PP, and not running some Dennis Had SEP with his Preamp,also quieter than the Shindo. I agree Dennis Had gear might be the "Shindo"of the USA, it is amazing nd you can run many types of tubes.

IN the end it is all the pieces and how they come together.