Shorter or longer ICs?

I have a pair of monoblocks and was wonderng whether it is sonically better to have the amps next to the speakers with longer interconnects from the pre or closer to the pre, but with longer speaker cables to the speakers? Thanks.

- Doc
Good question.
Longer ICs and short speaker cables, especially if tube mono amps. Looks cool as well.
Where do you have the most signal drive (IE;higher voltage/current)?That should determine your answer,as there wil;l be some loss transmitting a signal through any cable.
Thanks, all. Look like the consensus is longer IC and shorter speaker cables. I have tube mono amps, BTW.

- Doc
Does anyone remember the Walker table review,where HP had to run a 3 meter IC from the table to the phono.No bass.Anyone heard the Walker? I don't think it has that defiency.My vote goes for shortest IC and longer speaker cables.Most amps generate suffient current and voltage.