Should I consider the newer Audio Research pre & power amps, when I play records not CD's

I worked in and owned upper end audio stores back in the 1970's. (McIntosh B&O Magnepan, etc) I have been pretty much out of audio for the past 30 years. In my old age, I want to play the records I have saved (many MFSL & Japanese virgin vinyl) I kept my B&O linear 4002 W/mmc20CL cart. and it still works and I have newer B&W 804 speakers. I am going to get a new table of better quality. I have always wanted an Audio Research tube amp and Preamp. I am considering the LS 26 or LS17SE Preamp and older D90/115 or newer VS 115 or the Ref 75SE. I am in my 60's and my hearing is not as good as it was, plus I am lost with all the digital technology. (just started using a smart phone) I just wanted to get opinions spending $4000 on older ARC or bite the bullet and spend in the $7000 up. Is it worth spending the money for the new equipment when I am only playing records. 
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They do not sound the same. That's the real problem.

The newer one's are significantly warmer without being juicy compared to the original AR.

I would go by your ears. Listen to Conrad Johnson, Cary and Prima Luna as well.


Thank you for the response. Thank you regarding the phono stage. So, even if it says phono I may have to use a separate phono preamp? New is out of the question but a few years old used might be within range. I just sold my Conrad Johnson pre amp and my Dynaco ST 50. The Dynaco sounded great but no enough power. 
The LS26 and the LS17 are line stage only. Most preamps made in the last twenty years are line stage only. There are some that have phono,but not Audio-Research.