Should I purchase an expensive phono preamp

I have a Nottingham Horizon TT with the Rega 250 arm and a Goldring 1000 series MM cartridge. This is hooked up to a Pioneer Elite VSX-99 AV receiver that has a built in phono stage. I am trying to improve on the phono stage but I am wondering if there will be diminishing returns going to the more expensive stages. I am considering Lehmann BC, Graham Slee Era Gold V and AcousTech PH-1. I listen to Jazz, Old School R&B and Classic Rock music mainly.
I agree w/Nsgarch; the Bellari would be a cheap way to get a nice improvement.
Sit's suggestion of arm rewiring might be good, but I'm thinking same $ would be better spent on speaker or amp upgrade first. At lower end of the spectrum, speakers will make the biggest difference for the incremental investment. So many to choose from, but that's another thread. Cheers,
I would agree with your assessment relating to diminishing returns. Not knowing your budget I would turn my attention to your amplifier and put your money towards improving this side of your system. If you wished to purchase preowned you could pickup a Naim Nait 5 (integrated) and a Rega phonostage which wouldn't be much more than the Acoutech PH1. All depending upon your speakers this would prove to be a good phono match for your Nottingham until you are ready to upgrade to a Spacedeck or beyond. Have a great day...Gerry.
Like nsgarch I feel your reciever is the choke point in your system.You did not mention the type of speakers you are driving or the number.Why not consider selling the Pioneer? adding the amount you would have payed for the AcousTech[my choice out of the phono stages you mentioned] and buy a high quality integrated with a phono stage built in.Then any mods you make to arm or cartridge will be audible improvements instead of being converted to over processed transistor hell.Or you could buy the AcousTech not expect too much and when you upgrade to a line stage integrated be blown away by the improvement.
I have a 5.1 system with Paradigm speakers. I don't recall the model numbers but the front speakers are much bigger than the surrounds. These were purchased in the mid 90's
My Nottingham Horizon, RB250, Dyanvector 20X sounds amazing with the Whest 2.0 phono stage. It's a solid unit, with the ability to provide gain up to 70Db and different loading via plugs. Huge dynamics, great bass and smooth overall character. This setup beats the pants off my 10K CD player.

FYI the Dynavector 10x5 and 20X both sound very good on the Horizon/250.