@nosleeptilldownload I couldn't agree more with the statement that your hearing trumps all specs and arguments from critics (professional or otherwise). I also couldn't agree less with your statement that "vinyl is technically an inferior medium". Of course, many things are relative. Given a relatively good turntable with reasonably good arm & cartridge, proper set-up, decent phono stage, clean records and good recordings, incorporated into a relatively good sound system, I haven't heard anything yet that significantly bests the fidelity of good, clean, well recorded vinyl, even in direct A/B comparisons. Admittedly, I haven't heard 7 figure systems catering to digital sound, but I have spent serious seat-time with 6 figure such systems. Some ears prefer digital, some vinyl, and that's just fine. To each his own! Personally, I rely on digital mostly for convenience (dinner parties; doing chores around the house; etc.) but turn to vinyl when I and audiophile friends can park our butts in the proverbial sweat spot(s), enjoy a nice beverage or two, maybe some snacks and just kick back, relax and, as the Dobbie Brothers would say: "Listen to the Music".
As for VU meters, yes, they are very cool. I own a MAC, or should I say, my MAC owns me? My opinion on this is not to be swayed by VU meters. Some are accurate; some, not so much. Regardless, they do nothing for sound fidelity.
With regard to NAD and/or Class D amps in general, I confess I haven't spent much seat-time with many. My last experience was with a 60-watt NAD integrated (can't remember model number), Martin Logan Motion 60xti, Spendor A7, Totem Hawk, Paradigm Prestige 85F & 95F and Qobuz premium streaming service in a relatively good sound room. Finally whittled down the speaker choices to the ML and listened to those for about a half hour or so. After about 10 or 15 minutes at concert volume, the sound became fatiguing. After about 25 minutes and an oncoming low-level headache (my audiophile friend experienced the same) it was time thank the shop owner for his time and get on my way. A couple weeks later, those ML sounded nothing short of fantastic when paired with a Simaudio Moon NEO 340IX and a Marantz CD6005, using the same music and also at concert volume, albeit in another shop's sound room. Was it the sound room influence that made the difference? The Marantz CD? The difference in amplification? I was and still am inclined to think it was the amp.
I've read that Class D and/or other hybrid designs are the future. Maybe so. I don't know much, if anything, about that kind of stuff but I do know what my ears like. Let YOUR EARS be the judge!