Siemens CCa vs. Amperex PW 6922

Audio Note 300B amp with Dodd battery preamp and ASR Exclusive.

Has anyone had both at the same time and have some insight on which one would work with my system.

The Amperex PW seems high in price vs. the Siemens CCa GP.
I wonder why no one has mentioned the Siemens E188CC/7308 as an alternative. The high end is just slightly relaxed(ala the PW), but the tube still retains the liquid/3D midrange of the CCa. A slightly more controlled bottom(but no loss of extension)compared to the PW. I've a pair of these as my "back-ups".
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Hmm!!Now I'm gonna have to convince my pal,who has two back up "mint" sets of Amperex U.S.6922 PQ White Label's for an A/B with my primo CCa's.

Should be interesting

Thanks for all the feedback...."unless it costs me significant money"... -:)
Sirspeedy - I will be out for a week starting next week so I can let you have a listen to the pair of Amperex 6922 PQ PW white label I use in the Aria WV phono stage. Keep in mind, the tubes here are used in the MM stage as the WV uses SUT's for its MC input. But the WV phono playback is dead quiet with this tube pair. I can drop another pair of tubes in the WV and check the noise level of the Amperex in the ARC MCP-33 and get back with you on the results.
John...EXTREMELY NICE OF YOU!!!!!...but I am not the type to accept an offer "that" generous!!!

I am getting the Huntley/GNS modded pre/phono next week,and "still" have to burn in the new Teflon caps(which take forever,from what i hear) so any comparisons I do will have to wait.

I'm also, supposedly, getting my new Phantom this week,and will have some work to do,with set-up...I'll need alot of time with "VTA" -:)....(just kidding)

I DO have a very dear friend who can(and will,with little prodding from me)lend me his Amperex U.S.6922 PQ's,and "they" are very low noise.Some time down the road I guess.

Anyway,I cannot express just how nice I consider your offer to be.

You're lucky I didn't pitch you to loan me the Hyper-phono -:)

Warmest regards
