are saying that 'you should hear...' some hiss/whining noise? It does dissipate as you move away from twtr/mid. Can't hear it from a couple feet but the center channel seems to do it the most.
I understand plugging all gear being used into a pwr one used for offices/computers...but how do I 'lift' the gnd...not sure how to do this. Thanks.
Should I pull the receptacles out of wall here in living rm andchk for secure connections? I know they all work if I need to use them though only a couple are used for anything...the rest have nothing plugged in them.
I understand plugging all gear being used into a pwr one used for offices/computers...but how do I 'lift' the gnd...not sure how to do this. Thanks.
Should I pull the receptacles out of wall here in living rm andchk for secure connections? I know they all work if I need to use them though only a couple are used for anything...the rest have nothing plugged in them.