Silverline Sonata II or Sonatina II

After completing purchasing a tube amp, I am ready to buy a pair of efficient speakers. These two seems to be highly recommended by some of the on-line reviews.

I have a rather average size room 19x11ft. Which is more appropriate?

The Sonata seems to have a very large baffle area and I don't know if it might have adversed effect on the soundstage and the ability to disappear, whereas the Sonatina is a much narrower design.
The review from Soundstage actually commented that the Sonata even with its larger size seems to have a more solid soundstage and holographic image.

Are the Living Voice a good alternatives?
Sorry, I cannot answer about the MK II versions of those speakers, so I don't know if this will help. But seeing as how no one has responded, here goes...

I heard the Sonata III and Sonatina III at length during a visit to Silverline HQ here in northern California. The Sonata was FAR more engaging than the Sonatina. After hearing the two, my wife and I would never consider the Sonatina. I know, it's an excellent speaker, but the only thing that came to mind for both of us during the audition was 'blah'. The Sonatina came off like a distant, thin sounding speaker with a barrier to engagement, while the Sonata (with Alan Yun's 7W SET amp) was for both of us beyond reproach. In other words, it sounded perfect in every way imaginable.

Good luck!
As an owner of the Sonata 2 I can attest to their virtues with a clear conscience. They would be an excellent choice for your room (IMHO). I originally heard them with a VIVA SET amp and I was "floored" with the lifelike presence in the admittedly small room (approx. 12' x 14'). I am currently driving them with a moderately powered tube amp (125 wpc) and they sound great. Would love to take more advantage of their 95db efficiency and friendly impedance with a low powered SET when I can get the $$ as an addition to my current amp (I want to keep the flexibility of reasonable raw power) but I'm certain you will enjoy them. Great soundstaging, excellent focus, natural unforced midrange, and never fatiguing. BTW my current room is only 12' x 15' or so, yours will be even better. Happy lissnin.
A friend owns the Sonatina II - and they are very good. Haven't heard the Sonata II, but I've auditioned the Sonata III - wow! And I own a pair of La Folia's.

My listening room is 13 x, if I had to choose, I'd go for the Sonata's.

Alan Yun makes some of the finest speakers available.