I don’t see what beef people have with ASR or Amir. I think he’s doing a great service for the community measuring all this gear.
For me it’s the off balance approach. I much prefer a review process which includes measurements and listening. Stereophile’s review of the Border Patrol DAC comes to mind:
It seems Amir’s/ASR’s take-down attitude has become sport. I just don’t understand why. What’s the point of the vitriol regularly spewed over there? We’re all aware a bad review can hurt a small manufacturer in a very big way. Is the goal to put them out of business? I can’t imagine doing this to anyone.
If a product peaks my interest, I want to hear it for myself regardless of measurements. If I don’t like it I send it back. I don’t have a problem saying something wasn’t for me but I’m certainly not going to talk trash all over the internet. But what do I know? I’m just a delusional old fool.