Sistrum Platforms

Has any one tried these in thier system and how is the rack at reducing vibrations? Thanks.

I don't remember using the word inflamatory. Also, I don't consider posts from cornfedboy or Redkiwi to be product bashing. As you said, there are two sides to every story. As someone who is looking to spend a chunk of change on a stand, I consider all opinions here on this forum. So please tell me, what your expirience is whith product? Also, who is Robert (which post)? Is he a friend of yours?
Davidlpk- If you reread Lonelynote's responses, you will see that he ended with his name in the body of the text of his second response, I believe. It is also extremely clear given the content of Lonelynote's first response that it is from the manufacturer/rep. The only advice I could offer would be that he had been even more blunt by simply stating this fact. However, as I pointed out, it is obvious by the content of the response.

I never meant to attribute the term 'inflammatory' to you. Having rereading my post, I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, but I certainly had no intend for that to happen. This was my reference to Robert's responses that he did NOT lose his composure after what was a rather nasty rumor.

As I stated in my comment, I have no current knowledge of the product line. I've never talked with Robert before, though I intend to call him after I've researched the Sistrum line since I'm in the market for a tt stand. I trust Brulee's assessment of Robert's character because I know Brulee.

I can only request that you reread this entire thread to see if you don't gain a slightly different perspective. If you don't, that's fine, too. I gain nothing if you buy or don't buy a Sistrum product. You're certainly welcome to your opinion. Enjoy the music.
Sc53,thank you for taking the time answering my many questions. You have been very helpful.

Redkiwi my friend, thank you for bringing to my attention that "someone directly associated with Sistrum was caught here attemting to promote their product under the guise of private posters". I will ask Robert about this in my next conversation. I will be more than happy to share my experience with the Sistrum frames.

Dekay, your kindness and generousity will always be appreciated. How will I ever repay you?

I must express my gratitude for your clement critiques of my pitiful attmpts at written communication. Though I endeaver to write with the command that you so effortlessly exhibit, I fear that I will have to live several lifetimes to master the written word. Your every post provides the erudition that I strive to obtain. I only hope that someday, I too, will be granted access to the celestial libray reserved for those that have attained the literary prowess that you possess. You must admit, I haven't used alot once in this post.
brulee: you've put a big smile on my face. very nicely done. i especially like "clement," a wonderfully obscure word used perfectly.

After putting in many hours of work in comparing racks, shelves, and all the other things I have used in the past, the Sistrum Platforms are the best investment I think I have ever made. I can't tell you in words like a reviewer. What I have lost is a hash or noise. I can play at levels I could not play at before and things stay smooth, focused, dynamic, and very musical. Imaging is the best I have had in my room. There is something that is right about the sound that this boy can't put in words. My amp sounds less stressful, like it has more power. A brightness is gone when things get loud. I am sold. I gave it the 30 day trial and it ain't leaving my system. I may sell all my gear but the Star Sound Sistrum racks are staying. So is the PC. It bettered the FIM, MAC, and Stealth PCs in my system. I hope to try out more of their products as soon as possible. IMO, this company is doing something very right. I can't wait to try their IC and speaker cable. One sold and happy customer.