Small drivers vs big drivers

I have a question that is always in my mind recently. I see some speakers with small  drivers (5-9 inches) that is reviewed to be able to throw out big sound stage and go down to 18hz-20hz. Some other speakers with big drivers (10-15 inches) though are commented to have 'big sound stage' but can only go as low as 30-35hz. 

To make the situation more complicated, some speakers have small drivers but there are many of them. Can many small drivers be compensate for the size limitation?

I don't know which specs determine a wide sound stage and the ability to reach low frequencies.  What is the pros and cons of each design?

Thank you!

Ag insider logo xs@2xquanghuy147
+1 Audiokinesis 

I can’t think of anything to add as Duke knows a lot more than I ever will!!

We are lucky to have such knowledgeable contributions!

Agree 100% everything Duke said!
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