Small Floor Stander or Monitor For Large Room

I have a 15x33' dedicated room that I am trying to get a smaller speaker in for better imaging, etc. I have the bass region taken care of to around 70hz.
I am looking for a small floor stander or monitor that will be able to fill the room with sound while maintaining excellent soundstage/image and still creating as much dynamics as possible, without sounding forward.

I currently have a pair of Silverline Sonatas that sound like I want as far as dynamics and warmth.

I am looking at Silverline 11,12,15,17 series, Totem Model One, Arro, Hawk, Forrest

My system is Wadia 850 GNSC, Acoustic Reality 1001 monos, Wygerzyn silver wires.

Thanks in advance.
Damn, that means those $1599 Gallo Reference 3s on Audiogon are not in play for you. Too bad, they otherwise fit the bill to a T - superb soundstage and imaging, very dynamic, and a very small footprint for a floor-standing speaker. Beg, borrow, or steal the extra $200 and go for the Gallos - you'll be glad you did...

I owned the Sr-15s and the Totem Model 1s and for your purpose the SR-15s are a good candidate. My listening room is much smaller but the SR-15s are a much larger sounding speaker. They can really produce nearly full scale sound without srain. The Model 1s were a little anemic IMO. Good luck.
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