Small Floor Stander or Monitor For Large Room

I have a 15x33' dedicated room that I am trying to get a smaller speaker in for better imaging, etc. I have the bass region taken care of to around 70hz.
I am looking for a small floor stander or monitor that will be able to fill the room with sound while maintaining excellent soundstage/image and still creating as much dynamics as possible, without sounding forward.

I currently have a pair of Silverline Sonatas that sound like I want as far as dynamics and warmth.

I am looking at Silverline 11,12,15,17 series, Totem Model One, Arro, Hawk, Forrest

My system is Wadia 850 GNSC, Acoustic Reality 1001 monos, Wygerzyn silver wires.

Thanks in advance.
I owned the Sr-15s and the Totem Model 1s and for your purpose the SR-15s are a good candidate. My listening room is much smaller but the SR-15s are a much larger sounding speaker. They can really produce nearly full scale sound without srain. The Model 1s were a little anemic IMO. Good luck.
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Nice looking pair of Proac 2 with stands on this site $1300..These should fit the bill very nicely........

No monitors for a room of that size, even with crossed over to a good sub the blend is difficult.

A good imaging floor standing speaker would perform much better and be easy to integrate with a subwoofer for even more low end

Great imaging floor standers are plentiful. Gallo Ref would be an excellent choice.