highend64 The two Double Basses I own the open E string tunes to just over 41Hz. Regardless, its how the environment they're played in or how the producer wants it to sound that a -3dB subwoofer is able to convey the delicate sub sonics. Unlike the empty 31Hz buzz of an unamplified open B string from a solid body electric Bass.
Looking at your setup photo it's quite possible your HSU is located in a middle of the room null which requires a subwoofer to be annoyingly overdriven. It can also greatly restrict its potential for exactly the reasons your seeking, while exacerbating the room mode that may possibly diminish by the HSU's being positioned in.
Its true, replacing your -2dB@ 25Hz subwoofer with the dramatic roll off of a -6dB@ 25Hz sub-bass speaker will not excite your rooms mode and allow it to be placed in the HSU's current null location. All at the expense of the HSU's currently maligned potential sub sonic presentation.
Find your rooms mode first before you spend a dime.