Small integrateds: red wine, bel canto or wyred?

Hi, I am trying to match my tekton lore s speakers (95 efficient) to a small integrated amp. I don't mind if it has a dac or not, I can add one later. For powering the lores in a large room, what would be best? I like warmth and strong bass. I cannot audition as I live abroad and will have to order them. I am looking at the red wine 15, red wine 30, the wyred mint and the bell canto 300i or 5c3i. I like the idea of the red wine but have concerns about bass, the battery and power. Budget is 1500 or so, used okay. Thank you for any ideas.
Thanks everyone I'm going to get the red wine 15. I think it would be a good match for the lore.
The sound is great but the bass is very weak. I don't know if its the amp, the room or something else. I'm trying to fix it.
Hello Skoczylas,
A very good friend of mine has used a Red Wine 30 (upgraded) for quite some time, He has owned Lore S for about a month now and as many wasn't thrilled, he really wanted to stay with a good integrated, but recently came across a First Watt amp (25 watts per channel). I haven't heard it as of yet, but he tells me it has better bottom and top end than his 30 as well as a touch of warmth. (driving it with a Wadia 121) Sorry, I didn't catch this post sooner.