I suspect that SME might simply be closed for the whole Christmas/New Year period. They probably reopen on 10/1.
The motor control unit which you have is the original one for the 30/2 (the first Model 30 is a different matter: it had a different motor and controller).
I have a relatvely early 30/2 (serial number 133) and some years ago changed the controller (of the type which you have) for the more recent one. I think I noticed a small drop in the overall noise floor, but I would not swear to it. I think you could happily start out with the unit you have.
I agree that a new drive belt might be a good idea, but if we are talking about a new turntable that has never been used, I can quite imagine the supplied belt still being perfectly ok.
The colour of the platter surface is the original; SME changed to black a few years ago because the supplier of this substance ('Isodamp', I think it is called) discontinued it in the green colour.
Good luck with the turntable: it is thunderous noise sink that allows you to hear what is on your records (for better or worse). Note that, despite the elaborate suspension, it is sensitive to what it is placed on.