SME New Turntable Presentation


This is a slightly better introduction to the SME Model 60


the ONLY problem with the Model 60 is that it’s under-priced to be taken as seriously as it ought to be. people will be slow to recognize it, because of that. over time some will buy it, in spite of that.

such is the high end tt market and reality. people equate performance and value with price. too bad.

SME has more engineering chops that ’almost’ any other tt manufacturer. then add in 75 years of experience building tt’s and arms.

Impressive manufacturing.

SME doesn't do vacuum clamping though.  I've come to expect it at this stage of the game.

I'll  have mine in Ferrari Red or matte black, thank you.

Ya think SME's 3D arm is a little more sophisticated than VPI's? 

Thanks for that… so who here has one on order?

it’s amazing the same old spring designs from 40years ago still prevails.



Nice machining.

Good to see they have gone to AC motor which has benefits over DC in speed stability.

Don't see how the honeycomb finish improves the sound - does up the cost.

The arm tube is interesting.

Separating the transformer into another box does not impress me - the additional cables and connectors add their own problems in maintaining a low impedance power source and decreasing power stability. They would have been better off designing a single box non resonant power supply speed controller with the transformer suitably isolated within the single chassis - everything hard wired.

As always the combination of a rubber belt drive with the motor on a separate chassis from the platter that is not rigidly coupled introduces speed stability issues.

In reality it is a 1967 Roll Royce that has been updated with modern materials and machining, but provides the same ride.

One could argue their coupling of record to platter is not state of the art.

Their approach is to damp their way out of a crisis ( isodamp )  - there are better ways of dealing with resonance.

I'm sure it should be quite good, ideal for plug and play solution, but state of the art - not so sure.

Reasonably priced for the machining costs and overheads involved in my view.