SME V and cartridge spacer

Using a Kiseki Purple Heart cartridge, my SME V tonearm occasionally faults on the edge of records so I purchased a spacer from SME. For those who have used this spacer, after accounting for it's added weight during set up, 3 gms, does it effect the sound in any way? 
Everything affects the sound in some way.
In what way, you ask?
You tell me.
Most audiophiles don't know what they hear. There is something different, but what? And when someone well known (a reviewer for example) says or writes about that, then it is fact.
.... the sound without spacer is salubrious, exquisite, stunning, glorious and dazzling and the sound with spacer is superlative, smashing, magnificent, superb and impeccable...
I'm just curious, what exactly is this SME V spacer made of. Metal (Magnesium...) or some Duroplast hard plastic and its weight?
Having had a similar issue as you (OP) mentioned, with my Ortofon M20FL Super cartridge, I, at the time managed to make a spacer from Beach hardwood 3mm thick, and it still serves me fine.
The weight is about 0.65 gramm, and the cartridge with only 5 gramm being on the light side, it seems just fine. 
I am trying to imagine how a spacer could have an effect on "faulting" at the edge of an LP.  Can you amplify on that?  I guess maybe you could define "fault".
Lewm, its an old SME V arm issue due to the conical, increasing arm thickness toward the gimbel bearing, when a cartridge is about 16mm stylus tip to mounting platform (more usual is 18mm or yet more like e.g. Ortofon Quintet) the arm (9") starts to faul on the outer edge of the record. Lifting the stylus out of the inner groves as a result. 
I hope this describes the problem, this made even worse when the record is only a little warped?
It also happens that a marginally longer mounting screw projecting beyond the nut when the screw head is used at the top, with e.g. Shure V15-III phono cartridge fauling the same way, as the Sure is also about 16mm or even less with the SAS replacement stylus 😟