SME V and cartridge spacer

Using a Kiseki Purple Heart cartridge, my SME V tonearm occasionally faults on the edge of records so I purchased a spacer from SME. For those who have used this spacer, after accounting for it's added weight during set up, 3 gms, does it effect the sound in any way? 
@chakster many thanks for your kind offer. 
I had years back partaken of @raoul's endless MM thread vs the rest of the worlds MC cartridges, where this item was also for a brief moment the top cart of the day (or week?). 
Yes, a nice cart, if in need of a spacer when using it on an SME V, IV, etc. conically formed tonearm. 
At present I've settled to use my Ortofon Cadenza Black, once I learned to use the arm's damping, rather than to ignore it, and so now find it to be a slight improvement on the 20FL.
It is now a backup plus a 40 cu 20E stylus... acquired at the time, under the spell of Raoul's finding it superior to the FL! (I do know your position on elyptical styli, ha) 
But those were the days in 2009 ☺ 
Therefore, no present need for yet a further backup. 
Thanks again, Michelle 😉 
Michelle, those two styli designed for the same cartridge, but for use with different tonearms as stated in this catalog. M20 FineLine Super made for moderately high mass arm, M20 Elliptical is for light mass tonearm. SME is not a ligh mass tonearm, righ ? 
@chakster you are absolutly right, but... what did I know in 2009 🤔 🙄 😏
Funny however, despite this extemely high 20E compliancy (40cu), plus elliptic vs 20FL fine line, it works and sounds pretty much the same... maybe a tad less grainy at times compared to the 20FL stylus?
I mention this as, in my listening, it relativates a lot that is said about all this arm weight vs compliany vs resonance  (also changed by spacers). 
All seems not QUITE as critical as often mentioned.
Also note the 20E's recommended VTF is 1.1 gram and 20FL's VTF is 1.4 gram. 
In any case MM/IM/MI expert Raoul prefered the 20E at the time as mentioned.
What arm did he use? Medium, Light,... it was not a subject of the discussion at the time, as I recall. 🥴 
Maybe @lewm has a better memory? 
So much for spacers, arm weight, cu, etc. and influencing the sound, eh? 😉 
justmetoo...... the spacer weighs 3 gms

As for "Depending on the cartridge's compliancy (cu) it might even be better (or not?) regards the change of the resonance frequency." This is exactly what my question is about.
The cartridge I would use it with is the Kiseki Purple Heart NS. I have never calculated the resonance frequency of this cart and my sme V arm. How does one do that and how would it change by adding 3 gms to the head?
Hi Jim,
There exists an old Excel file that I had down loaded using a formula doing what you are looking for. 
Maybe one of the longer standing experts like e.g.@lewm knows about it and be able to direct you to the original sourse?
Mine has been modified to a more current version of Excel and a number of my own cartridges added to it in addition to the original content. 
Presently I'm not clued up how to create a link to mine in Agon, I'd know however to send it as an email attachment though.
As an alternative, let me know the Kiseki's weight plus mounting hardware, I'll then add the 3gram spacer enter it into my Excel file and can post back the calculated resonance frequency. 
Just as a work-around suggestion?