Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing

Hi All, I got bit by the Snake River Audio bug and took advantage of their Labor Day sale.  After talking with Jonny (nicest guy) I bought 2 of the signature hybrids and 1 of the cottonmouth power cables.  The unboxing was an experience and these cables are beautiful. The cables were shipped all kids of certificates and goodies from Idaho.  I can't wait to get these into the system and give you all my feedback.  If you're on the fence, just call Jonny and let him tell you about the cables first hand.

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"About 2x or so the warmth of the regular Cottonmouth Gold” - blind test confirmed? 

Excited for the Sale to start, 24% off if anyone is interested.  I just pick up some of his demo cables from the site (Phono and a pair of XLR's). Super excited to branch off into more of snake river audios cables.  Happy Holidays Everyone!



In general should one use these ferrite clamps on power cords? I read that they act like chokes. Hence most people plug amps directly into the wall rather than a power conditioner. 

btw, all the images of the sra cords posted on the sra site show them without the clamps. Can one use the cord without the clamps?

