Like all legislation it's all about the implementation and the burden it creates on small business. Poorly crafted legislation can/does/has, forced small businesses to close because of the cost to comply. Lately this has happened in virtually every industry from manufacturing and construction to mortgage brokers and private practice doctors. Large companies, because of scale, easily comply and lobby for this type of legislation for just this reason. Barriers allow big business to grow while reducing the little guys access to the pursuit of liberty which as you know, is a founding principle of this country and, lets be honest, the reason most of us are here (or why our ancestors came here).
Just because a poorly designed law passes doesnt mean it will be effective or not have adverse consequences. Its like believing new gun laws will change the behavior of psychopaths and criminals.
The economy needs all the help it can get right now so lets hope that if another law passes it is done with these thoughts in mind so it doesnt strangle business as we have seen lately. A vibrant market place that fosters competition is better for consumers too!
Just because a poorly designed law passes doesnt mean it will be effective or not have adverse consequences. Its like believing new gun laws will change the behavior of psychopaths and criminals.
The economy needs all the help it can get right now so lets hope that if another law passes it is done with these thoughts in mind so it doesnt strangle business as we have seen lately. A vibrant market place that fosters competition is better for consumers too!