So I just bought a Hegel H390 and

I am building a new system and I just bought a H-390.  It should arrive by the end of the week.  I want to get new to me speakers to go with it. So if you’ve have or have had a Hegel H-390 or a H-590,  what speakers under $10.000 sounded the best.  And I guess I should probably get some wires also.  Nothing crazy, but not zip cord.


Try the monitor audio gold 300 generation 5 very natural sounding speaker that MPD tweeter is amongst the best in the world
As some have noted... the Hegel amps are especially great at driving Harbeth speakers.

I have the H590 - which I bought especially because it sounds so good with my Harbeth 30.1's and 40.2's - just as Alan Shaw has suggested.  

It has the power / current / damping to control the woofers / mids to provide the clarity the Harbeths need.  

Just as it does here:
A store near me that has Hegel usually demos them with B&W speakers so that should work great. 
Harbeth 30.1’s with a pair of RELs. Sounded great with my H590. Wilson Sabrina X’s sound even better but a bit more than your 10K budget.
Congrats on a very wise choice of amp. A friend has the 590 with Focal Kanta 2s in a room similar size of yours. I thought it would be a little bright for my tastes but it was not. 
The beauty of the Hegel is it can run sensitive or not so sensitive speakers so you have many choices. Several good ones above and
in another 12 months you might manage to hear them all.
You can go for max detail, max warmth or somewhere in between.
Open Baffle, Box or planar/electrostatic are all quite different.
Get some good XRCDs and start listening. 1st stop RMAF in Denver
in October. Love to know what you buy.