I just can't help myself, but I have to respond to the post of Ovature.
If you have such a negative feeling towards Krell, why did you own one for two years? And if it was built like the Sony SCD-1, that is a pretty good recommendation.
Although I am not personally familiar with the KPS28c, I am very familiar with most of the rest of their equipment; and the build quality is beyond reproach. Also, about being bright: Some of the older gear (10 years ago) was on the bright side, but now the gear is beautifully sweet, but VERY accurate. The fact that it does accurately reveal, on great speakers, what the music portrays, may indeed sound to you to be bright, but that is the way some music is.
I attend the San Francisco symphony regularly and sit in 10th row center, and nothing, to my ears comes closer to repoducing the concert sound as do the Krells driving my speakers.