No, Fplanner2010, you're misread my post.
The 15Hz filter under discussion was not, as you say, the "low-cross" point. I was discussing the 15Hz high-pass filter that Velodyne makes mandatory in the DD+ line. Below 15Hz you get a roll-off whether you want it or not. You can only choose the slope. No one was discussing a low-pass filter at 15Hz.
And the OP misunderstood your post, on some other thread apparently, thinking that your complaint about a 40Hz lower limit on the low-pass knee frequency was really a complaint that the sub would not have output below 40Hz. I was just attempting to explain that wasn't the case.
As for your thinking that a 25-25Hz low-pass frequency is a good thing, well, every room is different, but I still think that is probably a poor choice. On the hand, it's your system and you can do as you please, and if a 35Hz low pass frequency makes you happy, who am I to question it?
The 15Hz filter under discussion was not, as you say, the "low-cross" point. I was discussing the 15Hz high-pass filter that Velodyne makes mandatory in the DD+ line. Below 15Hz you get a roll-off whether you want it or not. You can only choose the slope. No one was discussing a low-pass filter at 15Hz.
And the OP misunderstood your post, on some other thread apparently, thinking that your complaint about a 40Hz lower limit on the low-pass knee frequency was really a complaint that the sub would not have output below 40Hz. I was just attempting to explain that wasn't the case.
As for your thinking that a 25-25Hz low-pass frequency is a good thing, well, every room is different, but I still think that is probably a poor choice. On the hand, it's your system and you can do as you please, and if a 35Hz low pass frequency makes you happy, who am I to question it?