Solid State preamp Brands

Hi, I was discussing options for a SS Pre. I have on a list CODA, AYRE, Bryston, Classe, Bal Canto, Holo etc.  I am strongly considering the Classe Delta Pre. Some of my audio buddies are saying that the Classe is not very good even to the point of saying it is low fi. REALLY?? I want to have 2 preamps in my system to alternate. The other is a CJ ET5 tube. any advice is appreciated.


I have a Coda #8 with a Holo Audio Serene KTE and it was a wonderful match. Just sold it yesterday for a NEW BAT VK-80 tube preamp. That pairing brought me to a NEW LEVEL. All great equipment!

It might help to know more about what you need, such as remote control, balance control, any other features and function, and price range.  It's been a while since I heard your candidates, but, I liked Ayre and I owned, and liked Coda.  However, I've heard stories that quality control has suffered just a bit at Ayre after the death of its founder.

Nagra makes some nice linestages that sound quite good and work well with solid state and tube amps.  You can even get them with transformer inputs and outputs.  I have tube gear with transformer inputs and outputs and I like the sound of a lot of iron in the path.  

Oops, forgot that I also had the Benchmark LA4, which I liked, but it was a bit on the sterile side. The Pass was a very nice upgrade.

If you don't need remote control, Klyne Audio makes good sounding and exquisitely built line stages stages, phono stages and preamps (built in phono).  That is pretty much all they make or have ever made.