Soliloquy 6.2 Very Poor Treble .....

After several calls to David Berman at Soliloquy, without a response. I will put it to the Audiogoner's . Will I need to change the tweeter or rebuild the crossover to "brighten up" the highs in this speaker....Or should I just trade them off and start over ????. I kind of like the speakers if I could get them to sound a little better. Maybe that is why they are no longer in the speaker business...I think that changing the tweeter would be the easiest but I will be open-minded.....Thanks
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I have a pair of 6.5s. I too thought that they were not lively enough in the treble. I was at the time, able to get a hold of David and he suggested more playing time and Analysis Plus cables. He was right. They now sound wonderful. I could not be happier. That's just my experience. It is up to you what you do next. Good luck.
Trelja, thanks so much for sharing your knowledge. I inspected the crossover for the tweeter with greater scrutiny. My memory is cruel to me indeed. In fact, there are six components on the tweeter board with a rather confounding wiring pattern.

There are three rectangular resistors. All have values printed on top. The large black and yellow Cap I previously mentioned, a much smaller black and yellow Cap(?) 1/4" in diameter and 1.5" long, and an air core inductor. The Caps and Inductor do not have values (Microfarad and miliohms, Right?) I cant seem to locate the Ohm symbol so I will write ohm in its stead.

A 10w6.2ohmJ resistor is feed Positive in (from amp) then to the large Cap then to the coil which then splits and goes to the Negative tweeter terminal and the Negative Amplifier in. This seems odd to me. But I digress, my knowledge in this area is extremely limited.

The large Cap has two other leads. One leads to another resistor (10w15ohmJ) which then goes to the Positive tweeter terminal..

The other feeds the smaller Cap then another resistor (10w4ohmJ) and the positive tweeter terminal as well.

So which resistor should I jump? ....or should I just go watch some preseason Football and shut my pie hole?

Autospec, thanks so much letting me use your thread =)
Thank you for your kind words, Distortion.

First try jumping both the smaller cap and the 4 ohm resistor also in series with the tweeter. This is a Zobel network, meant to flatten the impedance rise of the tweeter's voice coil as the frequency increases. Listen a while, then see what you think. I am not the biggest Zobel fan in the world, but if I did use one, it would be on the woofer, not tweeter.

Remove the jumper.

Next jump the 15 ohm resistor in series with the tweeter. This should definitely bring things forward, though it may not be good sound. Just spend a little time listening.

Finally, again jump the Zobel, while also still bypassing the 15 ohm tweeter. See what you think of this.

If things are progressing in the direction you feel is positive, you are on the right track. If things are too upfront, and I expect them to be, try the simple route of 6 and 10 ohm resistor in series with the tweeter only. You don't need to solder it in, just use another jumper.

Does it sound better than where you started? That is the ultimate question. If not, remove the jumpers and leave things alone. Otherwise, wire in the revised, simpler circuit.
Trelja, what a fun experiment. I jumped the 15ohm and just as you surmised, that was too much. I tried jumping the 6.2ohm and that was a bit too much as well. Jumping only the 4 ohm is noticeable but not too much. I have left the jumpers in place and sewn up the patient. I'll let it be for a few sessions.

The small Cap is combined with the 15 ohm Resistor at the Inductor. So any attempt to bypass it (Small Cap) mandates a bypass of the 15 ohm Resistor as well. Since they are combined at the coil and then rejoined at the positive tweeter terminal. Does this sound like a Zobel?

Trelja, thanks so much for all your help. This may have been the most productive and informative thread I have participated in to date! ...and fun too!