Some DACs I am Considering-Any thoughts?

Soekris 2541                $1.1

Doge 7                         $1.2

Mhdt Pagoda               $1.4

Denafrips Pontus         $1.8

Audio Mirror SE           $2.5

Holo Audio Spring 2    $2.7

Audio Note 4.1 Kit       $3.6

Lampizator Amber 3    $3.8

Anyone who can speak from experience  about comparisons
between any two these?

I like the use of a tube and I like the R2R style of build.

Prefer to stay under $2.5 but might be swayed.

Thanks in advance for sharing.

(Some of these prices are certainly not correct)
Re. Comparison to the others in the list, I can’t say...I can only compare them (the AN kit DACs) to the many DACs I’ve had PS Audio, ARC, etc. in my system. Right now I’m using a PerfectWave give you a reference.....It slightly bested my AN 2.1...but the 4.1 will be more of the 2.1 goodness and be able to compete with much more expensive offerings.

I doubt that anyone truly has had actual experience with all or even most on your grains of salt.

Disclaimer...I might be an AN Kit affiliation though.

I can only offer an opinion of the MHDT Lab Pagoda, which I've had for about 3 years now. The sound quality is outstanding. It's neither soft, rolled-off, or tubey but detailed and natural with no fatigue whatsoever. I replaced the stock tube with a WE396A which is much more to my liking. The balanced Pagoda is said to be even better if appropriate for your system. Other DACs I have .. dB Audio Labs Tranquility (TDA1543), Schiit Bifrost Multibit, and Chord Qute EX. Best of luck.
I have the Soekris 1541 which is superb, I don't believe they make any longer.
I'd look at the Soekris 2541, especially if looking at balanced.
Wish you would update your profile so we can see what other components you use, just saying for a friend
OP: As you can see above, most people will suggest DACs they already own or are quite familiar with. I suspect that from an SQ perspective, they will sound more alike than different with minor variances. I was in a similar boat last year, and for me it came down to the following ...

Serviceability -- if anything breaks, how easy is it to reach the manufacturer, and what will it cost for 2-way shipping? Since I'm in the US, it ruled out a number of manufacturers. 

Upgrade path -- I wanted to start with the base version and upgrade only after I decided that I liked the overall sound signature. Again, this would have required me to pay for shipping the unit for upgrades. And not every manufacturer offers a straightforward upgrade path.

I eventually settled on the Audio Mirror Tubadour III, which I absolutely love for the price I paid for it. I'm planning to send it to Vlad for an upgrade to the SE version in a few months.