Sonic Frontiers line 3 vs. AR 25 II

I'm on the verge of buying one of these pre's. There's a little price descrepancy between the SF 3 and the AR 25II. I've never even seen a Sonic Frontier's pre but have heard good things. If anyone has first hand experience with these pre's, which would you choose to mate with a Levison 334 amp, Sony SCD 777ES, and top notch DIY speakers. Thanks.
The SF Line 3 is my favorite alltime preamp. It is highly resolving yet also highly musical. I use it with a SET amp (Cary 805s) and the synergy is great: tube magic that's also highly revealing. There are other tube preamps that impart more bloom and warmth to the sound (Conrad Johnson, Cary, Quicksilver; since you're using a SS amp you might want to check out a "tubier" preamp (if that's where your tastes lie).
Actually Shamburg, I'd like to stay away from the euphonic camp. At can't get over the idea that I'd be adding something to the signal that wasn't there originally. Now I'm not one of the SS only guys who criticize anything tube related. My desire for a tube pre stems from an experience early on in my Hi-Fi experience when I demoed a AR tube pre and was amazed at the sound stage which resulted. A 3-D, holographic soundstage is what I'm after. However, I wouldn't want to compromise resolution.
I think your misunderstanding the first response/post SJH32! The Line 3 isn't "tubey sounding" at all! Neither really is the 25! Both are excellent. I would give the line 3 a small edge however.
Still, you'll never know until you try in your system! Each can be upgraded with better tubes for best sound. (note, SF has customer service issues, and are basically rude to deal with often...I've owned both companie's products).
You might consider the world class CAT preamps! No tube sound there!..just world class purity and preamplification.
I've yet to hear any CAT preamp that didn't simply sound spectacular, if not tonally transparent to the source!
I doubt you could find much to criticize about them.
Still, the line 3 is probably not going to dissapoint either. good luck
For what ever it's worth, I prefer the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 on every level, except for the fact that they are no longer in business. I understand service is still available, but there is something to be said about working with a firm that has been around for a long time and appears to be staying around.