Sonus Faber fans: Liuto vs. Cremona Auditor M?

These two Sonus Faber products are now close in price, as the Auditors are being discounted.

Anyone compared them and have thoughts?

I mostly listen to classical and jazz in a moderate sized room; bass isn't that important to me.

Thanks for your opinions!
Months... almost a year since this original post... does this still ring true for everyone? I just purchased a pair of Liuto's with the potential to own the Cremona M auditor's in graphite (a beautiful color). Your recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

For the record the Liuto's sound amazing... are the Cremona M's that much sweeter?

Thanks in advance...
Simply - yes. There is a much more audible difference between the Auditor Ms and Luitos that there is between the Auditor Ms and Guareni Momentos - IMHO of course. With that said I plan on upgrading to the GMs when funds allow.
The Cremona's have since found a new home in my listening space... and all I can say is "wow." Detailed but retaining musicality throughout. Less warm than the Liuto's but that may also be because the Cremona M Auditor's utilize free-space and sound much more open than the Liuto's.

Oh well... next stop; Guarneri... :)
I was the original poster, and I ultimately went with the Cremona Auditor Ms after several comparisons. To my ear, the Cremona Auditor Ms had a little more depth and detail. I'm very happy with my purchase -- but I don't think you'd go wrong with the Liuto either. Thanks to all who advised me, and good luck to you.
I just bought my auditor m 3 days ago and now I listen to music 6 hours a day. note the word music is used because I hear radiohead the band is playing in my listening room when I put their CD on (most system components are only with 15 hours towards break on). I second Miner42 when he said the bass is amazing for such small speakers. need to be properly place, of course.

my system
- sonus faber auditor m with stand
- mcintosh: mcd500, c48 preamp, mc302 amp. 
- 2 nordost red dawn balanced xlr interconnect,
- audio note an spx speaker cables 
- solid tech rack of silence

I hope you all can find your audio nirvanas.

