Sony DVP 9000

Could someone tell me how good the redbook CD playback on this model is? I am conisdering selling my Planet and getting one of these, but as I listen to CDs more then anything else, I dont want to sacrifice CD quality.

The 9000 is great. I have read that getting it modified can give you a 40% better player. I am waiting for EVS to start doing mods. ($400). Check out
Which model are you asking about? Isn't there a 9000 that is not the ES version? Please clarify.
Thanks everyone, that answers my questions. Luckily I should be able to sell my Planet and current DVD player and be able to buy a 9000ES for about the same price, so the wife wont even know!

She'll know when she sees the light (blue). I love mine and I'm only 1/2 way through break in. Tom