Sony XA7ES vs Sony SCD777ES

Anyone owned both, and your comment?
Also, is it a good idea to run XA7ES directly into a power amp?
Thanks for your help.
How important are balanced inputs? I just got a sony 777ES and can't stop listening to it. just wondering how much more i'd get from balanced? any thoughts?
Hello Kublakhan:

As I've read elsewhere, the Sony SCD-1 with balanced outputs uses a pair of opamps to create the balanced outs, and many have reported that the single-ended outs sound better. Did you know that both 777 and SCD-1 share the same circuit boards with the exception of the balanced outputs!
I have no desire to replace my 777 with the SCD-1.

Hope this helps!

i see someone rated my post here with some seriously bad negative numbers, and that is fine, if the way soemone wants to do this is anonymous fine, but don't rate me bad just because i passionately like my player and don't want to see potential buyers turned off by people telling him only their negative attriubtes.
First time at responding so bear with me. I replaced a Wadia #20 transport with the 777ES. I bought the Sony for the SACD format ONLY with intention of keeping the Wadia for normal CD play. After A/Bing the two for well over a month the Wadia is no longer in my system. Admittedly I am running the Sony through a Timbre DAC when playing standard CD's with great success. As stated above, they (777ES/SACD-1) are slow in loading, but after many months of use, one dosn't even think about it anylonger. A freind of mine just bought a new CD player and he wanted to see how it sounded on my system, when I pushed play at the player it was playing before I turned to go back to my chair, kind of caught me off gaurd, point is, it's no big deal. Lets not forget why we are participating in this crazy hobby, it is about the music. I will continue to be plagued by the slow loading time of these players in return for the excelent results from the sound especially in the SACD mode.......Bob